
문화회관에 바란다

Thank you for BPO’s and Maestro Choi’s performance in Lotter Concert Hall on November 10, 2022

2022-11-15 12:20:49
  • 작성자허선

I was impressed at the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra (BPO) performance in the Lotte Concert Hall, Seoul, on November 10, 2022. I visited the concert hall with colleague editors. I have experienced the performance of BPO at Seoul Arts Center. However, it was the first time for me to listen to the BPO in the Lotte Concert Hall. Maestro Choi’s conduct was marvelous. The sound was very delicate and soft.  I can enjoy violin concerts and symphonic poems with comfort. I believe Maestro Choi’s competency is one of the best not only  in Korea but also in the world.  All my colleagues also said the performance was fantastic, so they enjoyed it very much.

I also want to meet him again next year in the new opera house and concert hall in Busan. I heard that Maestro Choi would retire from his position at the end of 2013. I am very sorry to hear that. If he can lead BPO as a tenure track, it may be the best for Busan citizens.  However, he will be able to lead another orchestra near the capital area of Korea. There will be more chances for me to listen to his conduct without visiting Busan.

I also appreciate his choice of Composer Unsuk Chin’s playlist. Although her music was not easy to be played, the BPO’s and violinist Yang’s performance was great. I wish BPO always chose at least one piece of music composed by Koreans. Recently, it is nearly impossible to listen to music by Korean composers, even from many Government-supported philharmonic orchestras. For Korea's continuous development of the classic music field, excellent performance and new composition by Koreans is critical. There should be more performances of music composed by Korean.


Thank you again for BPO’s and Maestro Choi’s performance in Lotter Concert Hall, giving me pleasant night hours. 

관리자 답변

2022-11-21 09:45:25
Hello, this is Busan Philharmonic Orchestra.

Thank you for watching our stage on Nov. 10th and also for the warm support.

The year 2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra, and it has been a journey full of special moments.
The various stages and repertoires with the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra's Artist-in-Residence of the Year, violinist Inmo Yang, will remain as good memories.

The Busan Philharmonic Orchestra will continue to grow and progress further through holding various concerts, including regular and special concerts.

Once again, thank you for your interest in our orchestra.
We ask for your continued interest and affection in the future.

Thank you.

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